"And
if
thine
eyes
be
turned
towards
justice
choose
though
for
thy
neighbour
that
which
thou
choosest
for
theyself
Do
naught
unto
others
which
would
cause
you
pain
if
done
to
you
And
as
ye
would
that
men
should
do
to
you
do
ye
also
to
them
likewise
Do
not
do
to
others
what
you
do
not
want
them
to
do
to
you
This
is
the
sum
of
duty
:
do
not
do
to
others
what
would
cause
pain
if
done
to
you
Our
Father
who
art
in
heaven
hallowed
be
thy
name
thy
kingdom
come
thy
will
be
done
on
earth
as
it
is
in
heaven
give
us
this
day
our
daily
bread
and
forgive
us
our
tresspasses
as
we
forgive
those
who
trespass
against
us
but
lead
us
not
into
temptation
but
deliver
us
from
evil
Amen
In
the
Name
of
Allah
most
gracious
most
merciful
praise
be
to
Allah
Lord
of
all
Being
most
gracious
most
merciful
master
of
the
day
of
judgement
Thee
alone
we
worship
and
Thee
alone
we
pray
for
succour
guide
us
in
the
straight
path
of
those
whom
Thou
hast
blessed
not
of
those
whom
Thou
art
wrathful
nor
those
who
are
astray
Grant
peace
goodness
blessing
grace
kindness
and
compassion
upon
us
and
upon
all
of
Your
people
Israel
bless
us
our
father
all
of
us
as
one
with
the
light
of
Your
face
You
gave
to
us
Adonai
our
God
the
Torah
of
life
and
love
of
kindness
righteousness
blessing
compassion
life
and
peace
and
may
it
be
good
in
Your
eyes
to
bless
Your
people
Israel
at
every
time
and
at
every
hour
with
Your
peace
blessed
art
You
Lord
who
blesses
His
people
Israel
with
peace
God
offer
myself
to
Thee
to
build
with
me
and
to
do
with
me
as
thou
wilt
relieve
me
of
the
bondage
of
self
that
may
better
do
thy
will
take
away
my
difficulties
that
victory
over
them
may
bear
witness
to
those
would
help
of
Thy
power
Thy
love
and
Thy
way
of
life
may
do
Thy
will
always
In
spite
of
everything
still
believe
that
people
are
really
good
at
heart
simply
can't
build
up
my
hopes
on
a
foundation
consisting
of
confusion
misery
and
death
see
the
world
gradually
being
turned
into
a
wilderness
hear
the
ever
approaching
thunder
which
will
destroy
us
to
can
feel
the
suffering
of
millions
and
yet
if
look
up
into
the
heavens
think
it
will
all
come
right
that
this
cruelty
will
end
and
that
peace
and
tranquility
will
return
again
Arise
you
little
glancing
wings
and
sing
your
infant
joy
Arise
and
drink
your
bliss
for
everything
that
lives
is
holy
for
the
source
of
life
descends
to
be
a
weeping
babe
for
the
earthworm
renews
the
moisture
of
the
sandy
plain
May
everyone
be
happy
May
everyone
be
free
from
misery
May
no
one
ever
be
separated
from
their
happiness
May
everyone
have
equanimity
free
from
hatred
and
attachment
love
pure
deep
love
be
here
be
now
be
all
worlds
dissolve
into
your
stainless
endless
radiance
Frail
living
leaves
burn
with
you
brighter
than
cold
stars
Make
me
your
servant
your
breath
your
core
Waking
up
this
morning
smile
Twenty
four
brand
new
hours
are
before
me
vow
to
live
fully
in
each
moment
and
to
look
at
all
beings
with
eyes
of
compassion
am
bending
my
knee
in
the
eye
of
the
Father
who
created
me
In
the
eye
of
the
Son
who
purchased
me
In
the
eye
of
the
Spirit
who
cleansed
me
in
friendship
and
affection
The
way
must
be
enter
leads
through
darkness
to
darkness
moon
above
the
mountain's
rim
please
shine
a
little
further
on
my
path
From
the
cowardice
that
dare
not
face
new
truth
From
the
laziness
that
is
contended
with
half
truth
From
the
arrogance
that
thinks
it
knows
all
truth
Good
Lord
deliver
me